September 3, 2023

KyCAD welcomes students back to campus

Kicking off our ’23-’24 academic year, Kentucky College of Art + Design welcomed a group of nine new students into the KyCAD community and student body. The students were greeted with glazed and sprinkled donuts, hot coffee and eager faculty and staff early Thursday, August 17th

After setting up their school laptops, students sat and listened to the run-down of the program and learned all the ins and outs they would need to know for the academic year.

Breaking for lunch and a tour of the 849-studio building, students gathered together to partake in the resource fair and choose their studio placements. During the resource fair, students had one-on-one time with staff and faculty to gather additional information about upcoming classes. Once finished, students were sent home with a KyCAD backpack full of goodies. 

Reconvening Friday morning, new and current students were welcomed once again with delicious donuts and hot coffee from North Lime at the Speed Mansion. Decorating mugs was the first activity on the agenda. Afterwards, the group boarded the local bus and headed downtown where they toured the 21C Museum Hotel. For lunch, the grill was fired up for burgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers, an assortment of grilled vegetables, side dishes and dessert. Current students joined in the ice breaker games and everyone was encouraged to get to know one another a little bit better. 

Following lunch, three members of the KyCAD staff and faculty led students in a screen-printing activity. Students chose between blue, white, and light blue paint to screen print the KyCAD logo onto t-shirts. The welcome back bash wrapped up late afternoon and overall, everyone had a wonderful time. 

KyCAD is thrilled to have nine new undergraduates join their community and they wish all the faculty and students the best of luck with the new academic year!