April 1, 2024
Thank You To Our Board of Trustees!
We are so grateful for our stellar and supportive Board of Trustees, especially for the steadfast leadership of Board Chair, John Birnsteel.
The 2023-2024 roster is impressive, as ever:
Michael Aldridge
Philip Anderton
John Birnsteel
John E. Brooks
Laura Lee Brown
Owsley Brown III
William Maurice Brown
Charles Cash
Churchill G. Davenport
Frederic H. Davis
Juliet Gray
James E. Haynes
Todd Lowe
John MacLean
Senator Gerald Neal
Brett Oppenheimer
Moira Scott Payne**
Greg Pope
Julien Robson
Yamilca Rodriguez
Barbara Sexton Smith
Dr. Rick W. Smith, Sr.
Elizabeth Perry Spalding
Terry W. Tyler
Nathan Wachtel
Joshua Watkins
Tanner Watkins
Christina Lee Brown*
* Honorary Board Member
** Ex Officio