Student Achievement

The Kentucky College of Art + Design identifies and evaluates success with respect to student achievement consistent with its mission “to promote a creative and productive life through an undergraduate education in the contemporary arts.”

KyCAD’s current measures for student achievement include:
Student Retention
Graduation Rate  
Degrees Awarded
Job Placement

Student Retention
Retention rates listed below represent the percentage of First-Time in College Full-Time students (FTFT) in a beginning fall cohort who return to the college the following fall semester.

Cohort       Retention Goal       Retention Rate       Goal Met  
1                  80%                        87.5%                     Yes
2                 80%                        80%                        Yes  
3                 80%                        100%                      Yes  
4                 80%                        100%                      Yes
5                 80%                         75%                        No

6-Year Graduation Rate
Graduation rates listed below represent First-Time in College Full-Time students (FTFT) who complete their program within a specified period of time (6-years).

Cohort       6-Year Graduation Rate Goal       6-Year Graduation Rate       Goal Met
1                  60%                                            TBD*                                         TBD*

Degrees Awarded
KyCAD awards one degree: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art. Data below represent the total number of students graduating with that degree within the given academic year.

Graduation Year       Graduates
2022                         3
2023                         3

Job Placement
Job placement rates represent the percentage of graduates who are employed within one year** of graduation.

Graduation Year       Employment Goal       Employment Rate       Goal Met  
2022                        88%                            100%**                       Yes**
2023                        88%                            100%                          Yes

*The Kentucky College of Art + Design admitted its first students (Cohort 1) in January 2019. A 6-year graduation rate will be calculated and reported upon the close of Cohort 1’s 6th year (12th semester) and continue to be calculated annually for each entering Fall Cohort thereafter.

Disaggregated graduation rate data will be reported by gender, major racial and ethnic subgroup, recipients of Pell Grants, recipients of a subsidized federal loan who did not receive a Pell Grant, and recipients of neither a Pell Grant nor subsidized loan.

Students who transfer without completing their degree program will be counted as non completers in the calculation of these rates, regardless of whether they complete a degree program at another institution.  

Values for disaggregated data are not displayed publicly if there are fewer than 5 entering students as to protect student privacy.

**Post graduation survey was implemented in the Fall of 2023. Data for Class of 2022 was collected 17 months after graduation.